

Toeko Tatsuno

辰野 登恵子 たつの とえこ
1950年1月13日 - 2014年9月29日







1984年、東京国立近代美術館の「現代美術への視点 メタファーとシンボル」展に出品し、同展は国立市国際美術館にも巡回。1989年、ベルギー・ゲント市立現代美術館で開催された「ユーロパリア‘89ジャパン現代美術展」に出品。1994年、横浜美術館の「戦後日本の前衛美術」展に出品し、同展は米国ニューヨークのグッゲンハイム美術館、並びにサンフランシスコ美術館を巡回した。 

1995年には東京国立近代美術館にて個展「辰野登恵子1986―1995」を開催し、翌年には第46回 芸術選奨文部大臣新人賞を受賞。 


2011、2012年、フランス・パリ イデム工房で石版でのリトグラフ制作を行う。 

2012年、国立新美術館「与えられた形象 辰野登恵子 柴田敏雄」展を開催。



January 13, 1950 - September 29, 2014

Toeko Tatsuno was born in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan in 1950.

Since childhood, she was highly conscious of colors and shapes. She later said that she was moved by the opaqueness of the color turquoise, and was inspired by everyday objects such as the vertical lines of ordinary notebooks and the trimmings.

She went on to study at Suwa Futaba High School in Nagano Prefecture, where she was greatly influenced by her art teacher, who was devoted to contemporary artists, such as Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol.

In 1968, she entered the Department of Painting of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, majoring in oil painting.

While at school, she formed Cosmos Factory with fellow photographer Toshio Shibata and printmaker Shinji Kamatani, and experimented with photoengraving silkscreens based on the influenced by the work of Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg.

In 1972, she graduated from the Department of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tokyo with a major in oil painting, and in 1974, she received her MFA from the same university.

In 1984, she participated in the exhibition "Perspectives on Contemporary Art: Metaphors and Symbols" at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, which later traveled to the National Museum of Art, Osaka.

In 1994, she participated in the exhibition "Postwar Japanese Avant-Garde Art" at the Yokohama Museum of Art, which traveled to the Guggenheim Museum in New York and the San Francisco Museum of Art.

In 1995, she held a solo exhibition "Toeko Tatsuno 1986-1995" at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. The following year she was awarded the 46th Art Encouragement Prize for New Artists by the Minister of Education of Japan.

In 2004, she became a professor at Tama Art University.

In 2011 and 2012, she worked on lithographs at the Idem Studio in Paris, France.

In 2012, she held the exhibition "Given Form: Toeko Tatsuno Toshio Shibata" at the National Art Center, Tokyo.

She received the 54th Mainichi Art Award in 2013.

She passed away in September 2014.