Toeko Tatsuno (1950-2014) is a painter who has always been in the limelight as a leader of expression of the times. In the 1970s, she attracted attention with her print works using grids and stripes as motifs,
and since the 1980s, she has pursued her own unique style of depicting organic forms in rich colors, demonstrating the new possibilities of abstract painting.

辰野登恵子(たつの・とえこ)は、時代を牽引する表現の担い手として常に脚光を浴びた画家。70 年代にグリッドやストライプをモチーフとした版画作品で注目を集め、80 年代以降豊潤な色彩で有機的形象を描く独自の表現を追求、抽象絵画の新たな可能性を示し続けた。